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At CPBS, Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention (EIBI) is a transformative approach that focuses on promoting learning, skill development, and positive behaviour change in children. The therapy simplifies tasks into small, manageable steps, making it easier for children to acquire new skills and behaviours.

Frequently Asked Questions & More Information

Who is EIBI For?

EIBI is designed for children between the ages of 0-9. It is especially beneficial for those who may be facing challenges in learning new skills or exhibiting challenging behaviours.

What Does EIBI Achieve?

EIBI aims to replace challenging behaviours with constructive actions. It helps children in various ways, including:

  • Learning to imitate

  • Focusing their attention more effectively

  • Improving their understanding and use of language

  • Developing daily living skills, such as brushing teeth

The Philosophy Behind EIBI

The idea behind EIBI is methodical skill teaching. It's based on the theory that skills can be taught in a structured manner to help children learn new behaviours and replace challenging ones.

The Philosophy Behind EIBI

The idea behind EIBI is methodical skill teaching. It's based on the theory that skills can be taught in a structured manner to help children learn new behaviours and replace challenging ones.

How Does EIBI Work?

The EIBI therapy process involves several key steps:

  1. Assessment: Evaluate the child’s current skills and challenges.

  2. Program Development: Create an individualised program tailored to the child's needs.

  3. Implementation: Use specific teaching methods to build skills.

  4. Measurement: Continuously monitor the skills being focused on to assess the program's effectiveness.

  5. Evaluation and Adaptation: Make necessary changes based on ongoing measurements.

Additional Features

  • Use of a manual to guide implementation

  • Fidelity checks for accurate intervention

  • Individualised intervention goals

  • Child-initiated teaching episodes

  • Environment arrangement to promote interaction and learning

  • Focus on intrinsic reinforcement over external rewards

  • Use of prompting and prompt fading techniques

  • Turn-taking in social and play routines

  • Adult modelling and imitation to encourage communication

Parental Involvement

We believe that parental involvement is crucial for the success of EIBI. Our services work closely with parents to offer training, education, and support, ensuring that the benefits of the therapy extend into the home environment.

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